IGSN: 10.58052/KHR00001Q collection methodclassificationgeo location

 Sample Name:J2-420-Rock-05
 Other Name(s):
 Sample Type:Grab
 Parent IGSN:Not Provided
Material: Rock
Field Name: boninite
Age (min):Not Provided
Age (max):Not Provided
Collection Method:Grab>ROV
Collection Method Description:Jason2 manipulator grab
Size:0.7 kg
Geological Age:Not Provided
Geological Unit:Not Provided
Comment:Rock piece from surface of pillow in area where lava tubes are draped over a cliff. Piece of flat rind off pillow about an inch thick. It is fragile and glass. Looks like an old flow. Lots of sand on top of pillows. This is from right at the ridge crest where turning NE to travel along the ridge. Not suspected to be zero age.
Purpose:Not Provided
Latitude (WGS84):-15.09981379
Longitude (WGS84):-173.755682
Northing (m) (UTM NAD83):Not Provided
Easting (m) (UTM NAD83):Not Provided
Zone:Not Provided
Vertical Datum:Not Provided
Elevation Start:-1560 meters
Elevation End:-1560 meters
Nav Type:Not Provided
Physiographic Feature:seamount
Name Of Physiographic Feature:Lau Basin
Location Description:NE Lau Basin
Locality:W. Mata Volcano
Locality Description:SW rift zone
Country:Not Provided
State/Province:Not Provided
County:Not Provided
City: Not Provided
Field Program/Cruise:TN-234
Platform Type:Ship
Platform Name:R/V TG Thompson
Platform Description:ROV Jason 2 from R/V TG Thompson
Launch Type:Not Provided
Launch Platform Name:Not Provided
Launch ID:Not Provided
Collector/Chief Scientist:Rubin/Clague/Embley
Collector/Chief Scientist Detail:Not Provided
Collection Start Date:2009-05-12T04:00:00Z
Collection End Date:2009-05-12T04:00:00Z
Current Archive:University of Hawaii (Hawaii)
Current Archive Contact Details:Not Provided
Original Archive:Univ. of Hawaii
Original Archive Contact Details:Not Provided
Related Samples
Parents:No Parents
Siblings:No Siblings
Children:No Children

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Geospatial Location geo location Collection Method collection method Geological Age geo age Image attached photoicon Classification classification